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CodeMAXX – Coding Services

In addition, medical offices need to consider CodeMAXX, a new service that manages your medical coding in accordance with the national standards (ICD-9CM, CPT, CMS and HCPCS). CodeMAXX offers you peace of mind. Although medical staff may be trained on coding standards, the fact is, the codes often changed or are modified, or the requirements for using a specific code can differ from year to year. This jeopardizes not only your compliance but also your revenues because if a diagnosis or procedure code has been incorrectly assigned, you might end up with a denied claim or a decreased payment.

CodeMAXX is a service that provides busy medical practices with access to certified professional coders who will code your encounter notes. CodeMAXX also provides you with the most up-to-date diagnosis code (ICD-9CM - ICD-10), procedure code (CPTs & HCPCS) and modifiers to insert into your billing software. Only by having the correct codes can you be sure that the insurance companies will pay you in a timely manner.

Please contact us today. Our services are professional and affordable!

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